Tonya Thurman
Archonettes are high school-aged young ladies who demonstrate an interest in the goals and the ideals of scholarship, sisterly love, and community service. Archonette groups are affiliated through local chapters. For more information please contact Tonya Thurman at
Cheryl Johnson - President
Amicae; 'Friends of Zeta', is an auxiliary for non-degreed adult women who are not currently members of any Greek-letter organization. Amicae, Latin for "Friend", were formed in 1948. The Amicae chapter of Gamma Zeta Zeta was chartered on June 1, 1968.
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. recognized the importance of auxiliary support through service. The relationship between Zeta's and Amicae is built upon the principles of Sisterhood and Community Consciousness. Zeta Amicae are invaluable resources to the sorority and the community. They work to support the efforts of their sponsor chapter while developing unique opportunities to expand capacity. The Zeta Amicae are bound to the guidelines of the national office and abide by operations according to their charter. Zeta Amicae are selected and inducted according to certain criteria.
For information about how to join the Columbus Amicae please contact Cheryl Johnson, Amicae President at:
Cheryl Johnson - President
Amicae; 'Friends of Zeta', is an auxiliary for non-degreed adult women who are not currently members of any Greek-letter organization. Amicae, Latin for "Friend", were formed in 1948. The Amicae chapter of Gamma Zeta Zeta was chartered on June 1, 1968.
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. recognized the importance of auxiliary support through service. The relationship between Zeta's and Amicae is built upon the principles of Sisterhood and Community Consciousness. Zeta Amicae are invaluable resources to the sorority and the community. They work to support the efforts of their sponsor chapter while developing unique opportunities to expand capacity. The Zeta Amicae are bound to the guidelines of the national office and abide by operations according to their charter. Zeta Amicae are selected and inducted according to certain criteria.
For information about how to join the Columbus Amicae please contact Cheryl Johnson, Amicae President at:
Tonya Thurman
Archonettes are high school-aged young ladies who demonstrate an interest in the goals and the ideals of scholarship, sisterly love, and community service. Archonette groups are affiliated through local chapters. For more information please contact Tonya Thurman.