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A Rite of Passage Program and Celebration



To provide a program for female adolescents of color to prepare themselves physically, socially, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and culturally for passage from childhood to teen.




  1. To enhance participants’ awareness of social etiquette and the benefits of its application to their lives both face to face and in social media.

  2. To increase participants’ knowledge and awareness of self and examine the role of mass media’s influences on teens.

  3. To foster knowledge among participants, that will reinforce the “my body is my temple” lesson.

  4. To encourage an appreciation of family, and celebrate the manner in which family roles are shaped by cultural traditions and individual circumstances.

  5. To enhance participants’ awareness of their role in the development of their community and friendships.

  6. To increase the appropriate and practical use of time, work, habits and money.

  7. To direct participants’ interests and attitudes toward creative self-expression as a meaningful vehicle for personal development.


WHO: Targeting young ladies that will be 13 or in the 8th grade on or before May 5, 2020.  However, 7th and 9th graders can participate. Escorts must be a family member or close family friend and commit to attend the 4 scheduled dance rehearsals.



From Girls to Pearls Class - 2019


Princesses preparing for the "Honor Thy Mother" Dinner- 2019

WHAT: Participants will complete 7 - 3 hour rites of passage courses, the Honor Thy Mother Dinner and 4 dance rehearsals culminating with the “Rites of Passage Ball”.


WHEN: Classes including dance rehearsals will be held every Sunday from 3:00pm to 6:00pm, beginning February of 2020 to

April with a final rehearsal where the princess’ parents are required to attend in May.


WHERE:    To be announced


Deadline:   TBA

Mailing Address - P.O. Box 272074, Columbus, OH  43227-8074.  To receive a fillable form or to electronically return the form, email




Realizing I have been created for a special purpose, I will love and honor my God, my family, my community and myself.  I will use all of the gifts that I have been blessed with for the advancement of mankind and to make the world I live in a better place.  I will stay focused to develop into the strong, proud, well-rounded queen that I am and that my community needs.



Interested applicants should contact the Girls to Pearls chairperson at with the subject "From Girls to Pearls". To complete/view application online click here.

From Girls to Pearls

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